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World War I



Essential question:

1) What types of forces cause historical change? 

When to people, or in this case, countries, disagree in something, they will find a way to find a solution. This solution can be violent, like war, and we see this in the unit that we just studied: World War 1. I think disagreement is definately one of the main things that can cause historical change, or any type of change. During this unit we saw how countries that disagreed with each other for different reasons ended up in war against each other, and involving many other countries that didn't even have to do with it. 



2) How does what we learned connect to the real world?

I believe one of the main things we learned while studying WWI was about the different political systems that were invented at the time and the impact that these caused. Around 1914, and a long time after that too, political systems such as communism were invented. Using communism as an example, it was first applied in Russia, leading to many social problems among the russian people and also leading to more wars with other countries that disagreed with this type of government.




  • Most interesting

I think the World War I Unit was the most interesting we have studied so far, because it carries a variety of important events and it led to many things that we can still see today. It is interesting to see how many thing occurred because of it; New political systems were developed, new technological elements were invented, new transportation methods were applied, etc…

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