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Essential Questions


   1.- What does metacognition do for us?

Metacognition is thikning about your thinking. Sometimes when you are reading a book, you get distracted and as you read you think about unrelated things. Then, you get to a full stop and realize that even though you were reading, you didn't really understand anything of what you just 'read'. So, with metacognition, we think about what we are reading in order to understand it better. 


   2.- What brings a character to life?

I think that to bring a character to life it needs to have different strengths and weaknesses, or characteristics in general, that make him human, and not perfect. If a character is too perfect, you can't imagine a person in real life with its characteristics, so you can't really "bring it to life". 


   3.- What makes an effective communicator?

I think being an effective communicator depends on many things. First of all, to communicate your thoughts effectively, you have to speak the same language as the other person, otherwise, he will not understand, and you will not be able to explain yourself. Also, to be an effective communicator, you must know how to explain things to other people in a simple way, so that it's easy for the other person to understand. I believe those are the most important things to be an effective communicator. 


  • In what ways does literature connect us to a larger world?


I think that literature connects us to a larger world because it helps us learn skills, for example, analytical, and critical thinking skills, which is important because we're not just letting things pass by untoiced, but we actually notice it and understand better, which makes us more intelligent.


       How does what you learned connect to the real world?


What we've learned connects to the real world because we've learned things that could help us in the future, for example, being an effective communicator to socialize, or to get a job, which I think is truly an important skill to have in order to survive the real world.


       How did you develop or grow as a student through this unit?


I think that I've become more analytic, and more of an effective communicator, because I've been enthusiastic in answering questions, and sharing my ideas.


       As you look at the work that you have competed throughout this unit, what do you think you could improve?


I think that I should improve on my essay writing skills in general, and try to show my analysis of the characters with more details.


       As you look at the work that you have completed throughout this unit, what are your strengths?


I think that my strength is being creative and and predict what could happen in the story. Also, I'm quite good at pointing out the author's intentions.


       Evidence(Images, Essays, Reports, Posters, etc)


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