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 Unit 3: Shakespeare's Star Wars 

and the Hero's Journey


  • 1. Essential Questions:

  • a) How does an author's use of language add and/or transform meaning?

Languages can be very different, for example, if you change the Shakespearan English into modern English, you lose the feelings of a play, but you get a more straightforward and simple language instead.

  • b) Is analytic thinking a necessary skill? Why or why not?

​​I wouldn't call it something necessary, but of course analytic thinking skills are very useful when it comes to reading. Without knowing them you can still read, but when you apply your analytic thinking skills when you're reading, it helps you understan what you're reading a lot better, it helps you predict what might happen next, and, of course, it makes reading more enjoyable. 

  • c) What do conversations about literature do for you?

​Conversations about literature make me more open-minded and, when it comes to talking about authors, it helps me understand the way they write better. If we discuss about and author and their type of writing, I can then analyze their pieces of writing better when I read them. 

  • d) What makes a hero?

​​I think the answer to the question depends on each person; every person could think of something different when this question is asked to them. In my case, I would say that courage is the main characteristic that a hero must have. If a hero wasn't corageous, it would back out as soon as the events got complicated. Also, I would consider someone a hero when the reason he is fighting for is not a selfish one. For example, in the film Star Wars, Luke fights for the rebels' cause, because he thinks it is the right thing to do. If he had been selfish, he would have left the battle earlier, when he realized that he is risking his life for something that does not really affect him. But instead, he fights with them and meets his goal, which was taking down the Death Star. I'd consider him a hero because of his empathy and courage. 


  • 2. How does what you learned connect to the real world?

I think what connects most to the real world from this unit is the transformation of language and how it affects the true meaning. In this unit we read a Star Wars play written in Shakespearean language and, after finishing it, we watched the original movie. Comparing them shows us how the true meaning and itention of the author can change whe you transform the language. In the written play, we could see more of the characters feelings and thoughts, and it felt more like a play, obviously. While in the movie it was just what we could see; we couldn't know what they were thinking or feeling, but what they said was more clear aand straightforward and simple.  


  • 3. Evidence






I would say that these two assignments, which are related with the transformation of language, helped us realize how muche the meaning can change when you transform a text into another type of writing, even though they're both english. It also helped me realize how much shakespearean can hide. When a text is written in Shakespearean language, even a short phrase can hide a meaning that goes beyond what it textually says. 

I think these assingments helped me learn and develop my analytical skills because shakespearean language is not easy to understand or analyze, but after these assignments I feel much more confident about it.




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