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Revolutions of the 1700-1800s


1) Essential Question: Why do revolutions start?

After studying revolutions for the past history classes, I believe revolutions begin when people disagree with the government. When people aren’t happy with their government, they start thinking about how their lives would be if things were different. And if the government doesn’t change, then people will start a revolution. That’s a general idea of why revolutions start.


2) How does what you learned connect to the real world?

Studying this unit taught me more about the continent I come from. I learnt that at first, Simon Bolivar wanted Latin America to be one big country. But that didn’t work out, and that’s why today there are different independent countries in Latin America instead of just one whole united continent.


3) How did you develop or grow as a student through this unit?

The most important thing that I got after studying the different revolutions is that you have to stand up for what you think that is right.  If you disagree with something that you know that is wrong, try to change it for something better, for something that is correct. Also, it was the first time I did a narrative history, so this will be useful in future assignments and I will know what to do better.


4) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what are you strengths?

According to Ms Mel, it was explaining what I knew. She said that when I did the presentation I explained everything in a very clear way, so I think this makes it easier to understand. Therefore, I guess one of my strengths when it comes to these type of assignments is to explain and teach the things that I know to other people in a simple and clear way.


5) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what do you think you could improve?

There are a lot of things that I could imporve, but I think the most important one would be that I have lack of imagination, which is a very big disadvantage when it comes to creating stories and comic strips. Since I don’t have much imagination, in my story I didn’t write down much detail. So maybe if I had more imagination, I would be more creative and get better grades in assignments like this one. Maybe to improve this I could read more, watch more fantasy movies and research deeper.

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