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UNIT 2: Cell Energy

1) Essential Questions:

a) How are photosynthesis, respiration, and fermentation connected?

Photosynthesis and respiration are directly related because the products of respiration are the reactants of photosynthesis, and the products of photosynthesis are the reactants of respiration. Fermentation, on the other hand, is what keeps glycolysis going. Glycolysis is very important for respiration to keep going. Without it, respiration wouldn’t be able to complete its function and, therefore, photosynthesis wouldn’t get the reactants it needs. So, respiration is directly related with both photosynthesis and fermentation, while photosynthesis and fermentation are indirectly related.

b) How do organisms transform energy?

Organisms go through different processes using different sources to transform them into energy. For example, resiration uses glucose and oxygen, and through a series of events it transforms it into the energy it requires to function.


c) Why do certain processes occur in cycle?

Because if they happen only once, they would be useless. Some processes need to be in a non-stop cycle in order to function properly and achieve their goal. If it wasn’t this way, the product of the process wouldn’t be able to be finished.  



2)  How does what you learned connect to the real world?

What we learned is basically what runs the world, what keeps it alive, so it’s connected in every way. We learned about different cycles and processes that we unconsciously use in our everyday life.



3)  How did you develop or grow as a student through this unit?

I had learned about these topics before, but we never really went into much detail. Now that I studied it here at Berkeley, I have a better understanding of all three, photosynthesis, respiration and fermentation.



4)  As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what are you strengths?

I enjoyed learning about all three, photosynthesis, respiration and fermentation, but the one I enjoyed the most was photosynthesis. I think it is an interesting process, and it’s not that hard to understand and remember, at least when you study it the way we did. So maybe that could be considered a strength: enjoying what I’m learning.



5)  As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what do you think you could improve?

I didn’t try really hard to understand fermentation, in fact, if you asked me to explain it to you now, I probably would not be able to. Therefore, I could’ve put more effort into understanding and remembering the process of fermentation.



6) Evidence:

Clicking the red square below will lead you to a presentation I did this unit about photosynthesis. 



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