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1) Essential Questions:

a) How do natural resources affect cooperation and conflict between human societies?

After this unit, I think that the different European countries wanted foreign resources to improve the development of their country. For this reason, they began taking over African countries in violent ways, without considering what they wanted or thought. They invaded their countries, taking their resources for their own benefit, while the local people did not get anything in reward. By trying to conquer different countries to gain power over different resources, the European countries got competitive, leading to many conflicts between them. 

b) How do political systems develop?

European political systems developed through gaining power of other countries, their resources and their people. They benefited fully as they colonized the African countries, making them feel superior, while the colonized ones became inferior.  


2) How does what you learned connect to the real world?

I think what we learned during this unit is connected to the real world because it shows us what the real world was like some years ago, showing us the mistakes that humans have made in the past and indirectly teaching us not to make those same mistakes again. It is also connected to it because we can still see these actions in the world we live in today. You can read more about this in my essay below, at the "Evidence" part.


3) How did you develop or grow as a student through this unit?

Throughout this unit, I've learned about people applying the belief of Social Darwinism to other societies, making them inferior to them in order to gain control oveir their land, resources and people. I developed my understanding of Social Darwinism and I also learned how wrong it was what the European countries did to the African ones, considering all the consequences that Imperialism has had. Although it was a very long time ago, we still see it reflected on some of the current events that are happening, mainly in Africa.


4) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what are your strengths?

I think one of my strenghts was to be able to gather the main points for my essay, making a tidy plan of how it would be structured. 


5) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what do you think you could improve?

I think I could improve my organization, since I didn't turn my essay in when I was supposed to, because of my lack of organization. So next time, I'll make sure I'm well organized so that I am able to turn in my work in time.


6) Evidence 

Press the "W" icon below to see my imperialism essay.


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