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Industrial Revolution



1) Essential Questions:

a) How do people and their environment affect the development of economic systems?

People and their environment can affect the development of their society's economic system mainly by their job. I say this because during this unit I learned that when the Industrial Revolution was going on, the economic systems had to change because the amounts of money that people were gaining with their jobs was changing, becoming more complex than what they were used to. A variety of different economic systems were organized, such as capitalism, in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.



2) How does what you learned connect to the real world?

We are studying the real world, so it connects to it in every way. Even though most of what we study isn’t happening in the world anymore, it happened before, and studying allows us to have a better understanding of the world we live in today because everything that happened before has led to all of the things we have now. In this unit we learned mainly about how technology began its development, turning into all what we have now.   



3) How did you develop or grow as a student through this unit?

I had learned about the industrial revolution when I was in Chile, but I was really bad at history, it was my worst subject at school. I was really bad at it, and never really understood anything of what I was taught. So, when I started learning this again, I had just a very basic idea of what everything was. And now that I studied it again here at Berkeley, I actually understand it, and all the things I had learned in Chile kind of make sense now.  



4) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what are you strengths?

I don’t think I actually have any strengths, but I think it is an interesting topic and I enjoy learning about this, so that makes it easier to learn and remember the things.



5) As you look at the work you have completed throughout this unit, what do you think you could improve?

I think I could’ve studied more about capitalism and how it’s related to industrial revolution, since this was the only part I didn’t get correct in my quiz.



6) Evidence:

On the picture below you can see the result of my Industrial Revolution test.

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